A Certified Practitioner

My Story

Why Work with me?

Christina is a multi-disciplinary coach.

Trained with and guided by top mentors, she became certified by internationally acclaimed coaching programs including:

She is a certified EFT and TFT Practitioner and Meditator. She is also a Reiki Practitioner, and Breathwork Meditator.

I believe that living an extraordinary life with purpose is your birthright.

Unlock your true potential and make your dreams a reality by overcoming self sabotaging behaviors and anxiety!

Chris O Steinhoff

“I believe we can find what we seek outside of us, within!”

Robert Simic

I can help you address the areas in your life that just aren’t working, better define your goals and help you accomplish things you may have never thought possible.

If you want to kick excuses to the curb and start living the life you’ve always wanted. Whether you want to find renewed success in your business, change career paths, find your life’s purpose or simply stop feeling stuck, one-on-one coaching is highly recommended.

How Can I Help as Your Coach?

I work with clients who are ready to

As a life coach and entrepreneur myself, I understand the challenges you’re facing when it comes to finding fulfillment and balance in your personal and professional life.

 I’ve dealt with many of the same feelings of anxiety, uncertainty if I’m on the right path, feeling overwhelmed – these feelings can keep you from attaining true fulfillment and purpose in your work and daily life.

That’s when I discovered how our subconscious beliefs play a major role (95%) which keeps us stuck in certain areas of our life! Once I discovered and practiced with some simple tools and techniques that create massive changes, it helped me to help my clients in a more profound way!

I enjoy more freedom and more alignment in my life and business currently than ever before. I am living my purpose with freedom, joy and peace. You too can enjoy more of your time, feel less pressure and achieve your goals when you are able to overcome your self sabotage effortlessly.

If you’re ready to learn more about my coaching programmes or would like to book a discovery session to  see if we are a good match to work together, get in touch with me!

I work with purpose driven leaders  who want to achieve success as well as have a balanced, fulfilled life, which is identified as conscious self-mastery.

I believe we came here to live a full life. A life that honours our truth. A life that is abundant and filled with love, success, joy and freedom. Not to play small or be chained to a desk at a job we hate, but to make a life, not a living.

Clarity Breakthrough Sessions

And today, my heart sings with joy every time I touch someone’s life, to help create an abundant, balanced, and fulfilled life in every way!